Accommodation terms and conditions
Accommodation Terms and Conditions

Accommodation Terms | HOTEL ALL IN
Article 1 Scope of Application
1. Accommodation contracts and related contracts to be concluded between this hotel and a guest shall be subject to these terms and conditions, and any matters not provided for in these terms and conditions shall be governed by laws and regulations (meaning laws and regulations or those based on laws and regulations; the same applies hereinafter) or generally accepted practices.
2. In the event that this hotel has entered into a special contract insofar as this does not violate laws and regulations or practices, the special contract shall take precedence, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Article 2 Application for Accommodation Contract
1. Guests who wish to apply for an accommodation contract with the Hotel must provide the Hotel with the following information.
(1) Name and telephone number (or mobile phone number) of the guest
(2) Date of stay and expected arrival time
(3) Accommodation fee (basic accommodation fee in Appendix 1 as a general rule)
(4) Other information deemed necessary by the Hotel
2. If a guest requests to extend his/her stay beyond the date of stay specified in paragraph 2 of the preceding article, the Hotel will treat the request as an application for a new accommodation contract at the time of the request.
Article 3: Establishment of the Accommodation Contract
1. The accommodation contract shall be established when the hotel accepts the application under the preceding article, when the hotel displays the acceptance on the official website of the hotel (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), or when an email to that effect reaches the server managing the email address specified by the guest. However, this does not apply if the hotel proves that it did not accept.
2. When the accommodation contract is established under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guest must pay the deposit (hereinafter referred to as the “Deposit”).
3. The deposit shall first be applied to the accommodation fee to be paid by the guest, and in the event of a situation to which the provisions of Articles 6 and 18 apply, it shall be applied in the order of penalty charges and then compensation, and the remaining amount, if any, shall be returned at the time of payment of the fee under the provisions of Article 12.
4. If the deposit under paragraph 2 is not paid by the date specified by the hotel under the provisions of the same paragraph, the accommodation contract shall become void. However, this will only apply if the Hotel has so notified the Guest when specifying the due date for payment of the application fee.
5. If the Hotel has displayed an incorrect accommodation rate on this website and an application for an accommodation contract has been made based on that accommodation rate and the Hotel has accepted it, and that rate is significantly lower than the accommodation rates for the dates before or after that date, unless the rate is stated to be “limited,” “special,” “campaign,” or some other reason for its lower price, the Hotel reserves the right to cancel the accommodation contract on the grounds that the acceptance was made by mistake under the Civil Code and will promptly notify the Guest of this.
Article 4 Special agreement not requiring payment of a deposit
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, our Hotel may enter into a special agreement under which the payment of the deposit stipulated in the same Paragraph is not required after the Contract has been concluded.
2. If, when accepting an application for an Accommodation Contract, our Hotel has not requested the payment of the deposit stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article or has not specified a due date for the payment of the said deposit, it shall be treated as if the special agreement stipulated in the preceding Paragraph has been accepted.
Article 4-2 Request for cooperation in infection prevention measures at facilities
Our hotel reserves the right to request the cooperation of guests seeking accommodation pursuant to Article 4-2, Paragraph 1 of the Inns and Hotels Act (Act No. 138 of 1948).
Article 5 Refusal to conclude an accommodation contract
1. The Hotel may not accept the conclusion of an accommodation contract in the following cases. However, this paragraph does not mean that the Hotel may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Inns and Hotels Act.
(1) When the application for accommodation does not conform to these terms and conditions.
(2) When the Hotel is fully booked and there are no rooms available.
(3) When it is deemed that the person seeking accommodation is likely to act in a manner that violates the provisions of laws and regulations, public order, or good morals in relation to his/her accommodation.
(4) When it is deemed that the person seeking accommodation falls under any of the following items (a) to (c).
a) An organized crime group as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning the Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as “organized crime group”), an organized crime group member as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the same law (hereinafter referred to as “organized crime group member”), an associate member of an organized crime group, or a person related to an organized crime group, or other antisocial forces.
b) A corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or an organized crime group member. c) A corporation whose directors include members of organized crime groups.
(5) When a person seeking lodging is likely to behave in a manner that causes significant inconvenience to other guests, or has behaved in a manner that causes significant inconvenience.
(6) When violent demands are made or when an unreasonable burden is requested in relation to accommodation (excluding cases where the person requesting accommodation requests the removal of social barriers pursuant to Article 7, Paragraph 2 or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Act No. 65 of 2013; hereinafter referred to as the “Disability Discrimination Elimination Act”).)
(7) When the person requesting accommodation is a patient of a specific infectious disease as stipulated in Article 4-2, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Inns and Hotels Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Patients of a specific infectious disease”).
(8) When the person requesting accommodation repeatedly makes requests to the hotel that are excessively burdensome and may seriously impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests as stipulated in Article 5-6 of the Inns and Hotels Act Enforcement Regulations.
(9) When accommodation is not possible due to natural disasters, facility malfunctions, or other unavoidable reasons.
(10) When there are reasons specifically stipulated in the ordinances of each prefecture.
(11) When only minors without parental permission are staying at the hotel.
(12) When a person applying for accommodation makes a reservation without disclosing any intention of obtaining economic benefit from the reserved room.
(13) When a person seeking accommodation is deemed to clearly have no ability to pay. (14) When the hotel’s deposit system is refused.
(15) When a person seeking accommodation is deemed to have engaged in any of the acts listed in Article 7, Paragraph 1 or acts not in accordance with these Articles of Incorporation when staying at a hotel of the Hotel Group in the past.
Article 5-2 Explanation of refusal to conclude an accommodation contract
If the Hotel does not comply with the request to enter into an Accommodation Contract in accordance with the preceding Article, a Guest seeking accommodation may request an explanation from the Hotel for the reason.
Article 6. Guest's right to cancel accommodation contract
1. A guest may cancel an accommodation contract by notifying the hotel.
2. In the event that a guest cancels an accommodation contract in whole or in part due to reasons attributable to the guest (excluding the case where the hotel has requested payment of the application fee by a specified date as provided for in Article 3, Paragraph 2 and the guest cancels the accommodation contract before payment), the hotel shall charge a penalty as listed in Appendix 2. However, in the event that the hotel has accepted a special contract as provided for in Article 4, Paragraph 1, this shall apply only if the hotel has notified the guest of the obligation to pay a penalty when the guest cancels the accommodation contract when accepting the special contract.
3. In the event that a guest does not arrive by 10:00 PM on the day of accommodation (or by the time after the expected arrival time has been specified in advance) without notice, the hotel may consider the accommodation contract to have been cancelled by the guest and process the matter accordingly.
Article 7. Hotel's Right to Cancel Contract
1. The hotel may cancel the accommodation contract in the following cases. However, this does not mean that the hotel may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Inns and Hotels Act.
(1) When the guest is deemed likely to behave in a manner that violates the provisions of laws and regulations, public order, or good morals in relation to his/her stay, or when he/she is deemed to have engaged in such conduct.
(2) When the guest is deemed to fall under any of the following items (a) to (c).
(a) A gang, a gang member, a gang associate member, or a person related to a gang, or other anti-social forces.
(b) A corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by a gang or a gang member.
(c) A corporation with an officer who is a gang member.
(3) When the guest behaves in a manner that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
(4) When the guest is a patient of a specific infectious disease.
(5) When a guest makes violent demands or is asked to assume an unreasonable burden in relation to his/her stay (excluding cases where the guest requests the removal of social barriers as provided for in Article 7, Paragraph 2 or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities).
(6) When a guest repeatedly makes demands of the Hotel, which are stipulated in Article 5, Paragraph 6 of the Hotel Business Act Enforcement Regulations and which impose an excessive burden on the Hotel and Inns and Hotels and other unavoidable circumstances, and which are likely to significantly impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests.
(7) When a guest is unable to provide accommodation due to a natural disaster, a breakdown in the facilities, or other unavoidable circumstances.
(8) When there are other reasons specifically stipulated in various laws or prefectural ordinances.
(9) When a guest does not comply with the prohibitions of smoking in bed, tampering with firefighting equipment, or other prohibitions in the rules of use established by the Company (limited to those necessary for fire prevention).
(10) When any of the reasons specified in Article 5 (11), (12), (13), (14), or (15) becomes apparent after the Accommodation Contract has been concluded.
(11) When the Guest has violated these Terms and Conditions, the Hotel’s Rules of Use, or any other terms and conditions stipulated separately.
2. When the Hotel cancels the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Guest shall not be charged for any accommodation services, etc. that have not yet been provided. However, in the case of reasons other than those in item 7 of the preceding paragraph, a penalty equivalent to the fees for the accommodation and other services, etc. that have not yet been provided shall be charged. In such cases, claims pursuant to Article 18 shall not be precluded.
Article 7-2 Explanation of Termination of Accommodation Contract
When the Hotel has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the preceding Article, the Guest may request the Hotel to explain the reason therefor.
Article 8 Accommodation Registration
1. The guest must register the following information at the front desk of the hotel or by a method designated by the company on or before the day of accommodation.
(1) The guest’s name, date of birth, nationality, address, telephone number (or mobile phone number), email address, and occupation.
(2) For foreigners, nationality, passport number, place of entry and date of entry.
(3) Any other information deemed necessary by the company.
2. If the guest intends to pay the fee under Article 12 by a means other than currency, such as a voucher or credit card, the guest may be required to present such information at the time of registration under the preceding paragraph.
Article 9. Occupancy Hours of Guest Rooms
1. The time during which a guest may occupy a guest room of the Hotel shall be from the check-in time to the check-out time as specified by the Hotel. However, in the case of consecutive stays, the guest may occupy the room all day, except on the days of arrival and departure.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may accommodate the use of the guest room outside of the times specified in the same paragraph. In such cases, an additional fee as specified by the Hotel (excluding consumption tax) shall be charged.
Article 10: Compliance with Terms of Use
1. While within the premises of the Hotel, the Guest shall observe the Hotel Usage Regulations established by and within the Hotel.
Article 11 Business Hours
1. The opening hours of the main facilities of the Hotel are as follows. Detailed opening hours of other facilities are provided in the pamphlets provided, notices posted in various places, and the service directory in the guest rooms.
(1) Staffed front desk: 10:00AM~9:00PM (Japan)
(2) Check-in: 3:00PM~9:00PM (Japan)
(3) Check-out: 10:00AM (Japan)
2. The opening hours in the preceding paragraph may be subject to temporary changes due to unavoidable circumstances. In such cases, we will notify you by appropriate means.
Article 11-2 Room Occupancy Hours
1. Guests have the right to use the guest room from 3:00 PM on the day of arrival to 10:00 AM on the day of departure.
However, in the case of consecutive nights, guests may use the guest room all day except on the days of arrival and departure.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may permit guests to use the room beyond the hours specified in the preceding paragraph, depending on room availability. In this case, the following additional fees will be charged.
(1) 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM: 100% of the rate listed on the Hotel’s official website.
3. If you stay at the Hotel beyond 10:00 AM on the day of departure without prior notice, you will be required to pay 100% of the accommodation fee.
Article 12 Payment of Fees
1. The breakdown and calculation method of accommodation fees, etc. to be paid by the guest shall be based on the fees individually agreed upon between the hotel and the guest (Appendix 1).
2. Payment of accommodation fees, etc. in the preceding paragraph shall be made in the currency designated by the Japanese government or by an alternative means such as credit card. When the hotel deems it necessary, it may request a deposit of an amount that the hotel deems appropriate.
3. Accommodation fees shall be charged even if the guest voluntarily does not stay in the room after the hotel has provided the guest with a room and made it available for use.
Article 13 Liability of the Hotel
1. When the Hotel causes damage to a Guest in the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and related agreements, the Hotel shall compensate up to a maximum of 30,000 yen (excluding cases caused by the Hotel’s intention or gross negligence). However, this shall not apply when the damage is not caused by reasons attributable to the Hotel.
2. The Hotel is covered by Hotel Liability Insurance to deal with the unlikely event of a fire, etc.
Article 14 Handling when contracted rooms cannot be provided
1. When the Hotel is unable to provide a guest with a contracted room, it shall, with the consent of the guest, arrange alternative accommodation of similar conditions elsewhere wherever possible.
2. When the Hotel is unable to arrange alternative accommodation, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall pay the guest a compensation fee equivalent to the breach of contract charges, which shall be applied to damages. However, when the Hotel is unable to provide a room due to reasons beyond the Hotel’s control, the Hotel shall not pay compensation.
Article 15 Handling of Deposited Items, etc.
1. Our hotel does not store luggage at the front desk.
2. If the guest brings goods, cash or valuables into the hotel and the goods are lost, damaged or otherwise damaged due to the hotel’s willful or negligent acts, our hotel shall compensate for such damages. However, for items for which the guest has not previously notified us of the type and value, our hotel shall not be liable for such damages, except in cases of willful or gross negligence on the part of our hotel.
3. If the guest uses a locker managed by our hotel (hereinafter referred to as “hotel locker”), our hotel only lends the space and shall not be liable for the management of the deposited goods, cash or valuables. However, if the hotel causes damage due to the hotel’s willful or negligent acts in managing the hotel locker, our hotel shall be liable for compensation.
4. Our hotel shall not be liable for theft, loss or damage of goods, cash or valuables deposited in the hotel locker.
Article 16 Storage of Guests' Baggage and Belongings
1. Our hotel does not accept luggage before check-in or after check-out. We also do not accept luggage delivered in advance.
2. If a guest leaves their luggage or belongings behind after checking out, we will dispose of them in accordance with the management procedures specified by our hotel. However, if there is no instruction from the owner or if the owner is unknown, we will either turn it over to the nearest police station or dispose of it in accordance with the management procedures specified by our hotel. In the case of food and beverages, we will dispose of them on the same day in accordance with the management procedures specified by our hotel. We are not responsible for the reliance of guests on device data in their rooms.
3. The hotel’s responsibility for the storage of guests’ luggage or belongings in the cases of the previous two paragraphs shall be in accordance with the provisions of the previous article, paragraph 2.
4. Our hotel strictly prohibits the bringing into the hotel of cooking utensils that use fire, such as portable stoves and charcoal grills, and will charge the user for all damages resulting from such actions.
Article 17 Parking Liability (for Kumamoto)
1. When guests use a parking lot managed by the Hotel (hereinafter referred to as the “Hotel Parking Lot”), the Hotel is merely lending the parking space and is not responsible for the management of the vehicle, regardless of whether the vehicle key is deposited with the Hotel. However, if the Hotel causes damage through its intentional or negligent actions in managing the Hotel Parking Lot, the Hotel shall be liable for compensation.
2. The Hotel shall not be liable for theft, loss or damage to vehicles, accessories or cargo in parking lots not managed by the Hotel (hereinafter referred to as the “Affiliated Parking Lots”).
3. The Hotel shall not be liable for damage suffered by users of the Affiliated Parking Lots due to the actions of other users of the Affiliated Parking Lots or other persons, or to vehicles or accessories or cargo in the Affiliated Parking Lots, or damage suffered due to other events occurring in the Affiliated Parking Lots.
Article 18 Liability of the Guest
1. When the Hotel incurs expenses for cleaning and repairing the guest room, loss of sales opportunities or any other damages due to a breach by the Guest of these Terms and Conditions or the House Regulations or due to other causes attributable to the Guest, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for such damages.
Article 19 Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
1. Any disputes arising from the accommodation contract and related agreements under this contract shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of Japan, with the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance having exclusive jurisdiction.
Article 20 Receiving Visitors
1. We will not allow visitors to stay in the facility outside of the front desk’s business hours. If a visitor is found to be staying outside of these hours, a penalty fee set by the hotel will be charged, even if the number of people booked in advance does not meet the maximum capacity.
Article 21 Disclaimer
1. The Hotel shall not be liable for any damage suffered by guests due to their own intentional or negligent acts.
2. Guests shall use computer communications within the Hotel at their own risk. The Hotel shall not be liable for any damage suffered by users as a result of service interruptions caused by system failures or other reasons while using computer communications. Furthermore, if damage is caused to the Company or a third party due to actions that the Hotel deems inappropriate while using computer communications, the guest shall compensate for such damage.
Article 22 Protection of personal information
1. Personal information disclosed by guests in connection with the accommodation contract will be managed in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Article 23 Revision of Terms and Conditions
1. In order to respond to changes in external factors such as the economic situation or related laws and regulations, or in the event of changes in our management and operational status, the Hotel may revise the contents of these Terms and Conditions, including clauses regarding fees and service content, etc. In such cases, the Hotel will publish the revised version on its website without delay and clearly indicate the date of the latest revision.
Schedule 1 Breakdown of Accommodation Charges, etc. (related to Article 2, Paragraph 1 and Article 12, Paragraph 1)
Total amount to be paid by the guest
・Accommodation fee: Basic accommodation fee (room fee (or room fee + food and beverages) ・Additional fees:
(1) Fees for additional food and beverages and facilities
(2) Other service fees set by the facility
・Taxes: Consumption tax and other taxes stipulated by law [Note] Basic accommodation fee is based on the fee set at the time of booking.
Schedule 2 Penalty Charges (related to Article 6, Paragraph 2)
Total amount to be paid by the guest
(Date of receipt of notice of contract termination) (Cancellation fee)
No-show 100%
<Various plans>
From the day to 7 days before 100%
8 days or less before Free
1. The percentage is the ratio of the penalty to the basic accommodation fee.
2. If the number of days of the contract is shortened, the penalty will be charged for the number of days that the shortened date corresponds to.
3. Please note that the above penalty will be changed to a special period.
4. The above penalty may differ depending on the various plans, so please check the penalty details for the plan you applied for.
Facility Terms of Use
In order to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests, all HOTEL ALL IN facilities have established the following rules of use based on Article 10 of the Accommodation Contract, and we ask for your cooperation in observing them. If you do not observe these rules, we may be forced to refuse your stay and use of the hotel’s facilities, and may require you to cover any damages incurred by the hotel, so please be particularly mindful of this.
1. About the use of this facility
①People who are infected with or suspected of being infected with an infectious disease, people who are unwell, and people who are extremely drunk are not allowed to use the facility.
② Pets of all kinds are not allowed to be brought into this facility.
③ Items that emit a foul odor are not allowed to be brought into this facility.
④ Smoking is prohibited throughout this facility, and any other actions that may cause a fire are strictly prohibited.
⑤ We are not responsible for accidents or injuries caused intentionally or negligently by this facility.
⑥ If you damage equipment, utensils, or fixtures by not following the correct usage instructions, you will be required to pay the full amount.
⑦ Please follow the instructions and requests of the facility staff. If you do not follow the instructions, you will be denied use of the facility and will be asked to leave even if you have time remaining.
⑧ Please do not use the guest rooms for commercial activities (exhibitions, etc.) or other purposes other than accommodation without the hotel’s permission.
⑨ Please enjoy your stay within the designated usage time frame. If you exceed the time, an additional fee may be charged.
⑩ Minors may only use the facility if accompanied by a parent or other legal guardian. Minors will not be allowed to use the facility alone.
⑪ Use by anyone other than registered guests is strictly prohibited. If discovered, an additional fee may be charged.
⑫ We will not be held responsible for any accidents that may occur. Thank you for your understanding.
2. Public order and morals within the facility
① Gambling and other actions that disrupt public morals are prohibited.
② Items that are not permitted to be possessed by law, such as firearms, swords, and narcotics, cannot be brought into the facility.
③ If a user of the hotel facilities is found to be a member of an organized crime group or an antisocial group designated by the Law on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Members, the user will be refused all future use of the hotel facilities.
3. About personal belongings and lost property
① Please keep your personal belongings, including cash and valuables, in your own care. The hotel will not be held responsible for loss or damage.
② Items found at the facility will be stored for a certain period of time and then disposed of in accordance with the law.
③ If any costs are incurred in returning items found at the facility to their owner, the owner will be responsible for these costs.
4. About payment
① Please pay at the front desk. You may also be asked to settle your bill during your stay. If you do not pay despite the hotel’s request, you may be asked to vacate your room.
② Please note that we may ask for your credit card or a deposit upon arrival.
③ If payment is received from a person other than the guest, we will directly request payment from the guest if payment is not made by the specified due date.
5. Infectious disease prevention measures
① If necessary, we will ask you to cooperate with temperature checks and disinfect your hands with disinfectant.
② If necessary, we will ask you to inform us of your health condition and to inform us of your health condition after using the facility.
The end
Enacted and enforced on November 19, 2024